This year the WGA staff, Board, and Leadership have determined that we will place an additional emphasis on raising visibility for the ministry. It isn’t as if this has ever NOT been a priority. But, in reality, much of our attention over the past couple of years was focused on moving our offices… preparing the former building to sell, finding a new location, actually moving everything, and settling into the new place. We have been blessed by the move, and have clearly seen God’s provision for WGA in the midst of all of that. But, wow! A lot of brain cells were spent in the process.
Each week, there seems to be a new scandal or “breaking news” issue that has some aspect of sexuality, gender, or broken relationships at the core. Over the past few months, the #metoo movement has dominated the headlines. We have seen some pretty dark corners of Hollywood lit up as a result. Many of the big players in the film industry have been singled out as sexual abusers and/or harassers. It has been quite an eye opening experience. Abuse is a huge topic and part of the story for many of those we work with.
The topic of gender continues to fill the headlines, with the whole concept of gender being scrutinized. Long ignored and cast aside, those in the transgender community have found their voice. There are some deep wounds in this population. There is also a growing “trend” that is occurring, particularly with teens, about gender fluidity and being transgender. Time will tell what the long-term effects from this particular trend are. While there are people who fit the true definition of transgender, there are quite a few who are exploring/experimenting with the issue and may wake up one day with some deep regrets. We have seen a marked increase in the number of people who contact us because of a loved one who feels that who they feel themselves to be does not match their biological sex.
I continue to see studies about the negative impact of “screen time” for children and teens. I am sure adults are negatively impacted as well. While much of what is being consumed “digitally” is perhaps innocuous, much of what is out there is sexually explicit. Many people’s understanding of sexuality and relationships is being formed largely by pornography. “Hook-up” apps are on the rise, as people continue to separate sex from our God-given need for relationship. These are just a few of the huge issues we are talking with men and women about regularly.
Partner with us…
Next week (Feb 17th), we are hosting a dinner party as part of our thrust to raise visibility for why WGA continues to be an important voice in our culture. I hope you will consider joining us, if you are able. We certainly need your prayers for this ministry to men and women hurting in these incredibly vulnerable areas of their lives. For more info about this event, contact us here.