by Mary Heathman | Jun 27, 2023 | WGA Blog
Just before I was a Christian, I was reading the works of Jewish Holocaust survivor, Viktor Frankl. In A Man’s Search for Meaning[i], his story and what he learned from it, caught my mind and heart, and sent me in search of something beyond myself, something big...
by Roger Jones | Jun 13, 2023 | WGA Blog
Hello friends! We hope you are doing well, and I wanted to update you about, happening at WGA. Video Series/Online Curriculum Watch out for more info on this one. We have been preparing to film an online course for parents who are learning about their child’s...
by Scott Kingry | Jun 6, 2023 | WGA Blog
Pride Month. It’s always been interesting to me that this annual LGBTQ event is named after one of the “seven deadly sins” and the passionate arrogance which caused Lucifer’s tumbling fall from heaven. But I do personally understand the definition of “pride” when it...