Like everyone else, we continue to wind our way through the ongoing effects of Covid-19. Back in March, when WGA had its first ever Thursday Night Group meeting via Zoom, we had no idea that this would continue through the Spring and into Summer. Looking ahead through the remainder of Summer and into the Fall, we have made some plans that we are holding onto loosely. Here is a bit of info about those plans and a reminder of the services WGA has to offer.
Thursday Night Support Group
Through the end of July, we will continue to meet weekly via Zoom. During the month of August, we will take our annual break and not have Thursday Night Meetings, as the staff prepares for the Fall. There will be an in-person picnic (BYO) for those interested on a Thursday TBD in August. Let us know if you are interested in this gathering so we can get you more info.
Beginning in September, we plan to meet in-person on the 1st and 3rd Thursdays of each month and have Zoom meetings on the 2nd and 4th Thursdays. One of the unexpected benefits of meeting via Zoom is that we have been able to gather in some of our former participants who have moved away. We’d like to continue to offer options for those folks and for those who want to continue to social distance. We will see how this goes and evaluate along the way to see if this is an ongoing need. If you are interested in joining us, please do let us know. We’d love to see you in-person or via Zoom. This is available to you, even if you are out of the Denver area.
Discipleship Counseling
We continue to be available to walk alongside people who need some individual time to process issues that have come up in their lives. There are a variety of ways we can meet… via phone, Zoom, or in-person. Please let us know if you would like to check-in. We are available via phone or Zoom for those outside of the Denver Metro Area, as well as those within.
As you can imagine, most of our plans for speaking engagements and training were canceled or delayed because of Covid-19. We are ready and able to offer these resources via Zoom, or other formats, to your church, whether as a training for the pastoral staff, for a small group, or a Sunday school class. You can find a list of topics we speak on here. Let us know if there is something in the genre of sexuality and/or relationships that you would like to hear that isn’t on the list.
Mary’s 75th Birthday Bash
Mary Heathman, WGA’s Founding Director, turned 75 in May. We had planned a birthday party, Story Slam style, for her that we postponed. Currently, we have it scheduled for September 12th. We are brainstorming creative ways to have this event, to keep in line with Covid-19 guidelines. Stay tuned for more details on this!
Financial Update
God continues to be faithful. Income for 2020 has thus far been consistent with recent years. Please pray for us and our donors. Many are facing loss of jobs and have seen their investments on a bit of a roller coaster this year. If you would like to make a donation to WGA, you can find out how by clicking here.
Note: Please keep in mind that all the plans above are subject to change as we do our best to follow the guidelines provided to us in the midst of this pandemic.
All of us at WGA continue to be grateful that we get to be part of such an important ministry. Please know that we are here and available to you!

Roger Jones
Executive Director
Make a Difference in Someone's Life
If you enjoy reading WGA’s blogs and would like to show your support, please consider making a donation. Where Grace Abounds is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization. The majority of services, including support groups and discipleship counseling, are provided free of charge. Your financial gifts help to cover the costs associated with offering a free program to those who seek WGA’s services.