WGA blog

April Fools…So What?

April Fools…So What?

Can you feel it? Kurt Streeter of the NY Times notes, the “soulful, spiritual aspect of games have elevated them to something like a modern religious experience. The soulful, spiritual nature of what has become one of our greatest faiths – sports.” Whether it is Messi...

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Maintaining Hope in an Environment of Fear

Maintaining Hope in an Environment of Fear

Too much bad news... Lately, it seems that every time I turn on the TV or catch a snippet of news online or in a newspaper, I am bombarded with disappointing and scary information.  The economy is failing.  The stock market is breaking records, plunging downward. ...

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Title or Towel?

Title or Towel?

“Lent is a season of preparation, but it should never be morose – an annual ordeal during which we begrudgingly forgo a handful of pleasures. After all, it is meant to be our springtime, when out of the darkness of winter’s deaths, a repentant, empowered people...

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The Lord Is Real: That’s Enough.

The Lord Is Real: That’s Enough.

Since I first became a follower of Christ, my experience with God has contained several mental and emotional mini-explosions--sudden bursts of light in dark places, taken down a peg when I was too big for my britches, or filled with inexplicable joy.   These moments...

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A Prayer Paradigm

A Prayer Paradigm

Have you wanted to pray but haven’t known how? Have you ever wanted to cry to God with “groans too deep for words” (Rom 8:26)? Prayer can be a profoundly painful and emotionally complicated experience, wrought with relational  and sometimes private matters. My wife...

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The Most Urgent Question

The Most Urgent Question

These days the WGA staff are getting more opportunities to participate in conversations with pastors and leaders who are grappling with how to love people well, especially those who are lgbtq+, in the context of today’s culture.  The question is a constant drum beat...

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