Labels—Should I Have One?  Which One? Pt 1

Labels—Should I Have One?  Which One? Pt 1

I “came out” of the closet in 1985 when I was 21 years old—well, more like exploded out. I imagine this news wasn’t too shocking to anyone, except I was verbalizing it officially for the first time. Prior to this pronouncement, my sexual identity had always been a big...
Reaching Across the Divides

Reaching Across the Divides

Living in a fallen world can make relationships of any kind challenging at times. But it’s been my experience that as we all continue to live and grow, great shifts can take place. I know I’m not the same person I was even 5 years ago. Maybe you’ve experienced a...
Unhelpful Ways of Managing Unhelpful Behaviors

Unhelpful Ways of Managing Unhelpful Behaviors

Unhelpful Behaviors What are you currently wrestling with in your life these days? Is it a compulsive addiction to sex, pornography, food, or alcohol? Perhaps the problem is with lust and it’s easy to objectify people or sexually fantasize about them for your own...