WGA blog

When I Don’t Know What to Do…

When I Don’t Know What to Do…

When I don’t know what to do as I face a situation where it seems clear that something must be done, I sometimes descend into a paralysis of mind, heart, and soul. Sounds dramatic even as I write it.  Self-talk in times like this is sometimes harsh, but purposeful. ...

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“Why Does God Care Who I Sleep With?”

“Why Does God Care Who I Sleep With?”

If I could choose one book on the topic of Christian sexuality that I think everyone should read, it would be "Why Does God Care Who I Sleep With" by Sam Allberry. It is the book I most often recommend to parents, pastors and youth leaders, as well as to men and women...

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Look up & Lay down

Look up & Lay down

What do you and I do when we’re asked to wait? If it’s for a latte, it depends on the time of day, huh? What happens though, when we ask the bigger questions: Is God actually doing anything in my life? Will He ever? What do I do while I wait? Have you asked any of...

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The Best is Impossible Without God

The Best is Impossible Without God

Just before I was a Christian, I was reading the works of Jewish Holocaust survivor, Viktor Frankl.  In A Man’s Search for Meaning[i], his story and what he learned from it, caught my mind and heart, and sent me in search of something beyond myself, something big...

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Ministry Updates

Ministry Updates

Hello friends! We hope you are doing well, and I wanted to update you about, happening at WGA. Video Series/Online Curriculum Watch out for more info on this one. We have been preparing to film an online course for parents who are learning about their child's LGBTQ+...

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Attaching to God

Attaching to God

One evening a couple decided to go for a walk in the starlight night. After strolling through the countryside, they came upon a grassy knoll. This knoll overlooked the coast, and as they laid back, taking in the majestic scene of stargazing, something stirred in the...

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The Blessing of Partnership With the Church

The Blessing of Partnership With the Church

The last four weeks contained unmitigated blessings for the WGA staff! Dictionaries define “unmitigated” as “undiminished .. in intensity.”  “Blessing” is defined as “something promoting or contributing to …,, well-being, . .” A Church in downtown Denver was the scene...

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