100% GRACE.

100% TRUTH.


100% GRACE.

100% TRUTH.


100% GRACE.

100% TRUTH.


100% GRACE.

100% TRUTH.



Where Grace Abounds (WGA) exists to guide and support men and women who seek to understand sexuality and relationship, and to inspire all people to know and personally appropriate God’s plan for their sexuality and relationships.


WGA was born out of the need to fill the vacuum created between blanket acceptance and approval of sexual behavior of any kind and total condemnation of the sexual sinner as worse than any other.


WGA is committed to reaching out in the love of Jesus Christ without condemnation, yet without compromising the Word of God.


WGA makes a distinction between sexual feelings and behavior. People do not choose their feelings (including sexual orientation), but they do choose what they do with those feelings (behavior).

ReSOULutions Series

An introductory program comprised of 4 topical modules addressing the need for understanding, ongoing resolution and healing of certain issues around sexuality and relationships within the context of our relationship with God.


Have you ever felt that whisper of doubt? That insidious voice telling you it’s too late to bring change to your family, that somehow you’ve already missed it? I know that voice all too well. It’s relentless, isn’t it? Always casting shadows, keeping you from the fullness of life God intends.

In the Uphold Video Series, we come alongside you with the grace-filled, truth-saturated wisdom needed to push past fear and reclaim what’s been disrupted. Here, we don’t compromise: 100% grace, 100% truth, restoring your soul and family in the light of God’s Word.

Uphold Video Series


God’s Searching Heart and My Trans Friend

God’s Searching Heart and My Trans Friend

“The God of the Bible looks for every human being no matter who he or she is or what he or she has done. Each person has a special place in God’s searching heart. God’s dream for our world is that every human being will come to know that place—especially those who...

Encouragement at Year’s End

Encouragement at Year’s End

Dear Faithful Friends of Where Grace Abounds, I hope that this year has shown you God’s grace and mercy. I take comfort knowing that He is always with us, and His mercies are ever new! As 2024 comes to a close, I want to share with you about some of the amazing work...

The Impotent “If Only”

The Impotent “If Only”

“If only  I had known I was going to break my ankle on Saturday, I would have gotten a haircut on Friday. “ [Historical Note:  On October 11th, coming down a flight of stairs,  I mistook the second to the last step as the actual last step, tripped  and fell.  The...