God’s Searching Heart and My Trans Friend

God’s Searching Heart and My Trans Friend

“The God of the Bible looks for every human being no matter who he or she is or what he or she has done. Each person has a special place in God’s searching heart. God’s dream for our world is that every human being will come to know that place—especially those who...
Encouragement at Year’s End

Encouragement at Year’s End

Dear Faithful Friends of Where Grace Abounds, I hope that this year has shown you God’s grace and mercy. I take comfort knowing that He is always with us, and His mercies are ever new! As 2024 comes to a close, I want to share with you about some of the amazing work...
The Impotent “If Only”

The Impotent “If Only”

“If only  I had known I was going to break my ankle on Saturday, I would have gotten a haircut on Friday. “ [Historical Note:  On October 11th, coming down a flight of stairs,  I mistook the second to the last step as the actual last step, tripped  and fell.  The...
What if You’re not “Coming Out” for the Holidays?

What if You’re not “Coming Out” for the Holidays?

Back in December of 2017, Roger wrote a blog called “Please Pass the Mashed Potatoes, and by the way…I’m Gay”.  In it, he puts his finger on a phenomenon that many people “come out” to family members during the holiday season. Why is that? Perhaps, since it’s the only...
What Parents Need When Their Child Comes Out

What Parents Need When Their Child Comes Out

Remember not the former things, nor consider the things of old.  Behold, I am doing a new thing; now it springs forth, do you not perceive it? I will make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert.  Isaiah 43:18-19 ESV Our theme for topics in October at our...
Thoughts from a Recent Speaking Engagement

Thoughts from a Recent Speaking Engagement

Here is some feedback from a recent presentation we gave: “Your stories and vulnerability were so appreciated. Thank you for joining us.” “It was such a gift to get to share space & hear part of your stories. Thank you for your generosity, warmth & loving...