A Response from a Reader

A Response from a Reader

Though nearly every newsletter from Where Grace abound has something that resonates, the June 2024 issue blogs around “labels” especially stirred me to respond. In Roger’s blog “My Journey with Identity Labels” he invited readers to share their stories in dealing with...
Why Persevere?

Why Persevere?

Highlights in my walk with the Lord often come in the form of nuggets of truth stumbled upon during my Saturday morning study group.  One time it might be a particular scripture that brings balm to my soul.  Another time encouragement and refreshment come as we pray...
The Secular Creed

The Secular Creed

“What do you mean when you say ______”? I asked this question five times to an individual in the Glenwood Hot Springs. After overhearing my conversation with a friend about our fidelity to Jesus, he said, “Yeah killing people in the name of god is one of those...