WGA staff and leadership team members are available to churches, schools, youth groups, mission’s conferences, etc. to speak about the work that God has been doing in their lives and to teach about the process of redemption from sexual fragmentation.
Below are a few of the topics available. Please feel free to ask us about topics which may not be listed here. We can often tailor a talk toward your specific needs. Also, keep in mind that many of these topics can be altered to be appropriate for youth.
- What Will It Take? Is the Church having an effective witness in our sexually driven society? This workshop presents WGA’s view of what the problem is, both within and without the Church, and what we can do about it.
- The Family Influence on Human Sexuality uses Erik Erickson’s model of human development and looks at raising healthy children. It takes a preventative approach to sexual and relational issues.
- Ministering to and Praying for Abuse Victims takes a confusing topic and, using a brief teaching period followed by questions and answers, guides people into a deeper understanding of abuse. It includes how to approach and be with people from abusive backgrounds as well as how to pray with and for them.
- The Church’s Response to Homosexuality looks at carving out a place between the two extremes of blanket acceptance of homosexual behavior and total condemnation of the homosexual sinner as worse than any other. The challenge to the church is to offer a respectful environment for these people to grow in God’s grace into his healing truth.
- A Deeper Look examines the underlying issue of an addiction, issues with behaviors or failure in relationships—but these are only the “tip of the iceberg”. What contributes to these difficulties and what drives them? In this class, we’ll explore not only why we have these problems in our lives, but the underlying issues that feed them. A model for healing will also be discussed.
- A Theological Perspective on Sexuality examines the following; What does God think about sexuality? What was His original intent for relationships and what does His Word say? There are many different interpretations on the subject. This class will explore from a biblical and theological perspective of what scripture says about this often complicated, yet glorious gift called sexuality.
- Discovering Our Identities as Men and Women addresses; What is God’s plan for us as men and women? The many books appearing in Christian stores on the subject is an indicator of our deep desire to know. But what barriers and obstacles do we face to truly live with a healthy sense of who we are? This class will discuss the painful aspects, while giving a vision for God’s original intent for gender and restoration for us as men and women.
- Understanding Our Identities in Christ addresses our identity and how it precedes and affects our behavior as well as our attitudes, emotions, values, etc. Another way to say this is: what we do tends to flow from who we perceive ourselves to be. It follows that our relational & sexual behaviors reflect that sense of identity. Many who come to WGA experience conflict between their behaviors and their beliefs which indicates a struggle or confusion regarding who they are. Therefore, the healing of relational and sexual issues involves healing our self-image and identity
- The Vital Role the Church Can Play: Ministry to the Sexual Struggler addresses the need for all people to come to terms with sin and brokenness before they can create an environment in which healing can occur.
- A Relational Model for Healing explores Dr. Elizabeth Moberly’s Theory on attachments (Defensive Detachment, Ambivalence, and Reparative Drive) and its impact on our wounds, our destructive behavior patterns, and our healing journey in relationships with both men and women.
- A Family Perspective addresses how many of us have experienced pain in our relationships with our families. Since God created the family system, it’s obvious that He cares deeply for families and their importance. In this class, parents will share their experience that with a commitment to honest communication and resolving conflict, a ton of perseverance, forgiveness and hope, God can do a tremendous work of reconciliation.
- Life in Transition examines the practical steps needed to embark on the journey of transformation and explains the natural turmoil that takes place when an individual decides to make permanent changes in his or her life.
- The Battle Within and Without: Understanding Spiritual Warfare in Sexual Struggles discusses the place God has in your or a loved ones’ struggle with sexual and emotional issues? We also have an enemy who is at work undermining these areas of our lives. These concerns are discussed and the role that spiritual warfare has in our emotional, relational, psychological and spiritual growth.
- Understanding Addiction utilizes Patrick Carnes’ work and personal story to illustrate the cycle of addiction, helping participants take a look at how addiction (sexual, emotional, or other) is functioning in their lives. When is the best time to interrupt this cycle? What steps can be taken to break the addiction?
Additional Resources Available
- Retreat speakers for adults and youth
- MOPS speakers
- Seminars tailored to the needs of your organization
- Facilitator training for small groups
- Small team and community building
- Brainstorming of community building activities for your organization
For information about how to schedule a speaker, please contact the Where Grace Abounds office.