by Mary Heathman | Jan 28, 2020 | WGA Blog
Reading books, and discussing the points raised by the author; leapfrogging off each other’s thoughts and reactions with even further exploration—now that’s what I call fun! Two times a week I am thus engaged. Currently, one of the sessions is focused on Bible study...
by Roger Jones | Jan 21, 2020 | WGA Blog
Recently, I felt convicted (again) about how I view others and myself. This time, it caught me by surprise. I was going about my day responding to people as if they are there for my enjoyment, especially people I don’t know. Am I attracted or not? Are they hot or not?...
by Veronica Johnson | Jan 14, 2020 | WGA Blog
Editor’s Note: This article is a follow-up to Veronica’s blog called “Trauma and Emotions”. Give it a read too! Having a history of trauma leads to some predictable difficulties in life. This post is to help you understand some of what’s...
by Scott Kingry | Jan 7, 2020 | WGA Blog
God, Theology and Sexual Expression So far in revisiting this series on the various facets of our sexual identity we’ve unpacked attractions, identity and labels. In this installment we’ll explore two more puzzle pieces of our sexuality. Where does our behavior and...