by Scott Kingry | May 25, 2021 | WGA Blog
In Isaiah 61, the prophet invites the people of Israel to see God differently. Historically, the nation is in exile under the Babylonians, the city of Jerusalem in ruins. Foretold judgement has come, and the people of God are struggling to find hope. Isaiah speaks...
by Sarah Taylor | May 18, 2021 | WGA Blog
This time last year, in the midst of the uncertainty surrounding COVID-19, I had my first ever “virtual lunches” with friends. I’ve since given up these arrangements because most people refuse to join me in eating over Zoom (it is admittedly a bit awkward). However,...
by Roger Jones | May 11, 2021 | WGA Blog
In my last blog, I introduced the topic of contempt and how we can use it to cope with painful experiences. We do this by either placing the focus of our anger onto ourselves (self-contempt) or by placing it onto others through the symbols they represent. I shared...
by Mary Heathman | May 4, 2021 | WGA Blog
As hard as it is for me to admit that I have needs, it is nonetheless true that not only do I need others, but they need me. We need each other, and this a good thing—by God’s design–for our mutual benefit. As God said in Genesis, “It is not good for man to be...