WGA blog

The Secular Creed

The Secular Creed

“What do you mean when you say ______”? I asked this question five times to an individual in the Glenwood Hot Springs. After overhearing my conversation with a friend about our fidelity to Jesus, he said, "Yeah killing people in the name of god is one of those things,...

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What’s Good About Pride Month?

What’s Good About Pride Month?

Pride month is coming to a close this week. I’m not fully sure what was different about it this time around, but it seemed less “in your face.” Last year, the “culture war” between conservatives and Christians and the LGBTQ+ community was intense. Remember how much...

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Pride Month and  Our Searching God

Pride Month and Our Searching God

Pride Back in the Day Pride 1985. I was excited because it would be my very first one having just recently “come out”. My friends and I watched the parade that Sunday morning and ended up down by the Capitol, close to downtown Denver. Then the speeches began. After...

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Students and Labels

Students and Labels

As a student pastor, there’s a continuum of things you experience if you’re in their (students’) lives long enough. From seeing them eat baby food out of a diaper, to watching them on a stage or field. Then, there are those rarer moments, sitting with them on the...

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My Journey with Identity Labels

My Journey with Identity Labels

We have spent the past few articles talking about WGA and its place within conversations about sexuality and faith, in particular the use of identity labels and the like (see Scott and Mary’s recent blogs). I wanted to offer some of my musings and personal journey...

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Labels—Should I Have One?  Which One? Pt 1

Labels—Should I Have One?  Which One? Pt 1

I “came out” of the closet in 1985 when I was 21 years old—well, more like exploded out. I imagine this news wasn’t too shocking to anyone, except I was verbalizing it officially for the first time. Prior to this pronouncement, my sexual identity had always been a big...

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A Brief Look at a WGA Dilemma

A Brief Look at a WGA Dilemma

“So,  what side are you guys on, anyway?” The question illustrates a familiar dilemma for the WGA staff and leaders as we seek to live up to a commitment to 100% Grace; 100% Truth; No Compromise. Often it comes in the context of one or another ministry leader or...

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