Who Am I?  A Journey of Labels Pt 2

Who Am I?  A Journey of Labels Pt 2

Definition of a Sexual Identity Label: “A socio-cultural label that helps people communicate to others something about their sexual preferences (e.g. “gay”, “straight”, “bi”). It may be based upon a person’s sense of his or her biological sex (as male or female),...
Labels—Should I Have One?  Which One? Pt 1

Labels—Should I Have One?  Which One? Pt 1

I “came out” of the closet in 1985 when I was 21 years old—well, more like exploded out. I imagine this news wasn’t too shocking to anyone, except I was verbalizing it officially for the first time. Prior to this pronouncement, my sexual identity had always been a big...
A Brief Look at a WGA Dilemma

A Brief Look at a WGA Dilemma

“So,  what side are you guys on, anyway?” The question illustrates a familiar dilemma for the WGA staff and leaders as we seek to live up to a commitment to 100% Grace; 100% Truth; No Compromise. Often it comes in the context of one or another ministry leader or...
What Will It Take?

What Will It Take?

“Why won’t the Church talk about this?  It’s everywhere, all over social media….. it’s got such a strong pull; why can’t I even have a real conversation  with other Christians about it?” These questions are a composite of several questions brought to me after...