The Best is Impossible Without God

The Best is Impossible Without God

Just before I was a Christian, I was reading the works of Jewish Holocaust survivor, Viktor Frankl.  In A Man’s Search for Meaning[i], his story and what he learned from it, caught my mind and heart, and sent me in search of something beyond myself, something big...
The Blessing of Partnership With the Church

The Blessing of Partnership With the Church

The last four weeks contained unmitigated blessings for the WGA staff! Dictionaries define “unmitigated” as “undiminished .. in intensity.”  “Blessing” is defined as “something promoting or contributing to …,, well-being, . .” A Church in downtown Denver was the scene...
Will Your Kid Say “No” to Porn?

Will Your Kid Say “No” to Porn?

Do you know if your kid will say, “No!” to pornography?  Afraid to have that conversation?  You are not alone. Most parents know that they should talk to their children; they even plan to do so, “when the right time comes.”  But then, time marches on and, suddenly it...
The Lord Is Real: That’s Enough.

The Lord Is Real: That’s Enough.

Since I first became a follower of Christ, my experience with God has contained several mental and emotional mini-explosions–sudden bursts of light in dark places, taken down a peg when I was too big for my britches, or filled with inexplicable joy.   These...
The Most Urgent Question

The Most Urgent Question

These days the WGA staff are getting more opportunities to participate in conversations with pastors and leaders who are grappling with how to love people well, especially those who are lgbtq+, in the context of today’s culture.  The question is a constant drum beat...