Changes to the WGA Staff

Changes to the WGA Staff

Just a few weeks ago, we received the news that WGA’s Office Manager, Nancy Dryden, would be leaving our staff. We are sad to see her go! Nancy has been a huge asset to our team for the past 20 years. Plus, she has become a really close friend over that time. We will...
Making Changes That Matter and Last

Making Changes That Matter and Last

It is fairly simple to make some changes in our lives. We do it every day. We change jobs or get a new car or move to a new home. Maybe we enter a new relationship. These can be significant changes that may or may not be easy, but we make them anyway. Then there are...
Coping with My Coping Mechanisms (Part 2)

Coping with My Coping Mechanisms (Part 2)

In my last article, I opened up the topic of Coping Mechanisms and talked about some of the ways we cope with stress and just life in general in negative ways. I posed a number of questions to help you to analyze the behaviors that you are coping with and cast a...