Blog Highlights for 2017

Blog Highlights for 2017

Since we began this blog back in March of this year, we have posted at least two articles each week. This one you are reading is our 89th! We hope you’ve had the chance to see them. Please take the opportunity to browse through some of our older ones when you...
With Gratitude This Thanksgiving

With Gratitude This Thanksgiving

This Thanksgiving, I am reminded of some pretty amazing things that we have to be thankful for here at Where Grace Abounds. Thanks to you, our readers, for being a big part of this. Here are a few highlights: In March, we launched our new website. Since then, there...
Hollywood Under Fire #MeToo

Hollywood Under Fire #MeToo

I recently wrote a blog called #MeToo in response to the movement where first women, and then men began to publically acknowledge that they were victims of sexual harassment or sexual assault. As of October 24th, it was reported that the hashtag had been tweeted over...
Please Keep Where Grace Abounds in Your Prayers

Please Keep Where Grace Abounds in Your Prayers

Prayer Support At Where Grace Abounds we place an emphasis on prayer because we know that God works through the prayers of His people. Since prayer is absolutely vital to the life and growth of a ministry we meet regularly for prayer. We would ask that you join us in...


Over the past few days, social media has been flooded with women and men posting the hashtag “#MeToo. “ This trend was started to raise awareness for women who have been victims of sexual harassment or sexual assault. A number of men joined in to acknowledge their own...