With Gratitude…

With Gratitude…

Thanksgiving week is one I always love. I enjoy having a holiday that reminds me to slow down and remember the many blessings I have been given. Gratitude is so easily lost in the busy-ness of life. Will you pause with me this week and reflect? I’d love to hear...
Why does accountability fail?

Why does accountability fail?

One of the things you hear a lot in recovery is, “Accountability, accountability, accountability.” And accountability is an invaluable tool when seeking to overcome any type of behavior that is troubling or addictive. Yet, there are some pitfalls that might hinder the...
Story Slam – October 5th, 2019

Story Slam – October 5th, 2019

This Saturday (October 5th), WGA is hosting a FUNdraiser to help fund all of the various services and programs that we offer. We are having a Story Slam (think poetry slam, but with stories). This is our third one of these events, and we expect another fun night,...
Honesty, a Building Block of Community

Honesty, a Building Block of Community

Why is it that so often we have difficulty being honest with one another, particularly with our Christian friends?  I’m not talking about lying, although that can be a part of the problem.  Mostly, I’m talking about how we use the “F” word.  How are you doing?  I’m...
Why Do Emotions Affect Our Belief Systems? 

Why Do Emotions Affect Our Belief Systems? 

In both my own journey and through my observations of many of the men and women who have come to Where Grace Abounds over the years, I’ve noticed a pattern in which men and women sometimes get caught up.  I’ll start with an illustration from my own life to explain....