Ministry Updates

Ministry Updates

Like everyone else, we continue to wind our way through the ongoing effects of Covid-19. Back in March, when WGA had its first ever Thursday Night Group meeting via Zoom, we had no idea that this would continue through the Spring and into Summer. Looking ahead through...
An Update from WGA

An Update from WGA

I trust and pray that you are doing well doing this season of quarantine, illness, the economic roller coaster, and all the chaos brought about by these things. At the beginning of 2020, no one knew what was in store for us. Fortunately, we serve a God who is not at...
How are you coping?

How are you coping?

It has been a few weeks now since COVID-19 turned things here in the USA upside down. There seem to be two extremes people find themselves in… either being isolated and completely alone… or being around those we live with much more than we are used too. For those...
Mitigating Fear During the Coronavirus Outbreak

Mitigating Fear During the Coronavirus Outbreak

Whether you regularly wrestle with fear and anxiety or not, it is a challenge to not get swept away with these emotions right now. Every news story is explosive. Social media is full of rumors and pictures of empty grocery shelves. I have gotten an email from every...