Boundaries: Can I Get an Amen?

Boundaries: Can I Get an Amen?

We don’t all struggle with boundaries in the same way.  Some of us have so many boundaries that it is difficult to be known and loved.  Others have so few boundaries that they can’t say no and are consequently spread really thin.  And sometimes we have boundaries, but...
How’s Your Self-Care? 3 Things to Check In About

How’s Your Self-Care? 3 Things to Check In About

When dealing with stress, busy-ness, or weariness (or all 3), one’s good and helpful practices of self-care are typically one of the first things to go out the window.  During the last 6+ months of this pandemic, I’ve noticed that I am more weary than is typical for...
Addictive Behavior vs Healthy Behavior

Addictive Behavior vs Healthy Behavior

In his book, Don’t Call It Love, Patrick Carnes writes about sex addiction… both how the problem develops and what recovery looks like. In Chapter 7, he shares a list comparing Addictive Behavior with Healthy Behavior, as these relate to sexuality. Here are a few of...