The Secular Creed

The Secular Creed

“What do you mean when you say ______”? I asked this question five times to an individual in the Glenwood Hot Springs. After overhearing my conversation with a friend about our fidelity to Jesus, he said, “Yeah killing people in the name of god is one of those...
Students and Labels

Students and Labels

As a student pastor, there’s a continuum of things you experience if you’re in their (students’) lives long enough. From seeing them eat baby food out of a diaper, to watching them on a stage or field. Then, there are those rarer moments, sitting with them on the...
Whatever Happens

Whatever Happens

I’ve been given some new equipment recently. One of which is a book entitled: Exceptionally Bad Dad Jokes. The subtitle is my favorite though: so frightfully awful, yet wonderfully spiffing. Here’s one of them: “A police officer caught two kids playing with a firework...
Prime Day or Attachment Day?

Prime Day or Attachment Day?

It’s that time of year again; Prime Day. Their tactic, get “Prime Big Deal Days”. For those who have Amazon or not, the allure is enticing. It is. Just this morning as I ran the garbage disposal I first heard, then saw, the spatula fly into the air. The result, sliced...
Who Are You Following?

Who Are You Following?

July 2023, a clip of the “Sparkle Creed,” a version of the Apostle’s Creed modified to emphasize LGBTQ+ inclusion, caused controversy online. What is it? Why does it matter? Here’s the big idea: if we’re not being thoughtfully formed by Jesus, then we are being...